Saturday, January 31, 2009

Back Pain and Easy Treatments

Most back pains are brought about by muscle strains and almost all people experience it at least once in their lives. The constant traumas on the back such as turning, bending, and bearing weight can result to back pains. Fortunately, back pains can be relieved by some simple home treatments, regular exercises and drugs prescribed by the doctor.

Detailed below are common causes of back pain as well as its treatment and prevention. But if you are suffering from back pain, it is always best to visit your physician. Seeking professional help is always better than self-diagnosis. Remember, if the pain you are experiencing is coupled with weakness, numbness and/or radiates down to your leg, see a doctor immediately.

Back Pain Causes

Back pain, particularly lower back or lumbar spine pain is brought about by muscle strains. Nearly everyone suffer from it a moment or two in their lives. The muscles sustaining the spinal column are used perpetually. The spine frequently turns, straightens, bends, and bears weight. These continuous traumas on the back lead to back pains and strains. It is the lower back that is usually impaired as it sustains the body's weight and is therefore prone to reflex stresses.

While most causes of back pain is triggered by muscle strain, there are also other non-muscle sources of back pain. Sciatica, not a disorder but a spreading pain brought about by a dense or swelled sciatic nerve, is one example. Kidney-related illnesses can also cause back pain. Osteoarthritis is also a usual source of pains for those aged more than 65 years.

Bending down for long periods and habitually arching the shoulders affect the spines that often result to a chronic back pain. Chronic back pains are classified as those recurring for more than three months, and should be checked by a specialist.

Depression and stress are also frequently associated to back pains. Stress can cause our muscles to tighten, lessening blood flow to the tissues that commonly triggers pain. To alleviate pressure and relieve stress, it's good to relax and exercise regularly.

Back Pain Treatments

A. Home Treatments

Generally, back pains can be alleviated if given the proper attention with rigid home remedy. Taking pain relievers and/or paracetamol can help relieve the pain. Be careful however with prolonged use as this can be habit-forming. A bed rest lasting for not more than two days is fine. Resting for an extended period will only worsen your back.

Some of the more common home remedies include the application of cold or hot compresses on your back, but these are temporary reliefs. Again, it is still best to consult your physician.

Engage in regular physical activities to reduce the chances of back pains. Exercise, after all, is still the best way to relieve stress.

B. Exercise and physical therapy

Physical therapists have their patients undergo some ultrasound tests before treatment. Some of the approaches they use in therapy include ice and heat application, muscle-release approach and electric stimulations on the tissues and muscles to alleviate back pains. As patients get better, the therapists instruct their patients with proper exercises to enhance posture, toughen the abdomen and back, and promote flexibility.

C. Drugs and Medications

Ordinary pain killers are sometimes not adequate. Your physician may recommend a muscle relaxant and non-steroids anti-inflammation medicines like Vitamin-B complex to facilitate the relief of back pains. Low-dose anti-depressants like tricyclic antidepressants are effective in easing chronic back pain, aside from relieving depression.

For more information on Chronic Back Pain please visit our website.

sciatic nerve treatment: sciatic pain treatment

sciatic nerve treatment: sciatic pain relief

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